The Capitol building is home to the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate. This beautiful public building belongs to the people of Texas, and you should make plans to come visit. The 88th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature is underway now.
Rep. Thimesch's office is in E1.216 on Floor 1 of the Capitol Extension, and is where the House District 65 staff operates during the legislative session. All constituents are welcome to visit at any time.
Please note that if you want to visit with Kronda while at the Capitol, we encourage you to make an appointment, to ensure that she will be available. You are of course welcome to visit at any time without an appointment; just please know the Representative might be on the House floor or in another meeting at the time.
If Rep. Thimesch is on the floor of the House, which becomes more and more likely as the days of session count down, she can sometimes step out to visit with you. Just get in touch with our office to request a meeting.
Getting Around in the Capitol
[If you enter the Capitol through the main building, you need to head north toward the North Wing Elevators and go down to get to the HD-65 office, which is located in the Extension.]
In the main original "domed" building of the Texas State Capitol are the chambers of the House and Senate, and other function rooms, along with a few members' offices.

Getting Around in the Capitol Extension
Visitors can reach the Extension through the North Wing elevators of the Capitol building.
Rep. Thimesch's office is in E1.216, aka Extension First Floor, Room 216